Here’s What Women Like About Men’s Fragrances

What women like? Probably you had this eternal question at least once in your life. Well, if there was a precise answer, it would definitely safe men’s lives)

After spending hours on studying and researching men’s perfumes that are highly appreciated by women, we come up with an eye-opening list of women’s preferences towards male colognes. It might not save thousands of lives, though these tips can benefit guys a lot.

What Women Like in Men’s Perfumes:

  • Seasonality 

It’s simple. In autumn she strives for warm feelings that would make her want to cozy up to you during colder days. Summer perfumes should be able to refresh the hot sweaty atmosphere. And so on.

  • Manly overtones

There are some everlasting manly scents that instantly add confidence and masculinity to your look. Women find those scents super sexy and gush over the way a man smells, as a rule.

  • Smell naturally good

Definitely, sexy cologne is a magnet for women. However, it is important not to overuse it as it might work the opposite way – rejection. Our research has proven that women like when men are using complicated and rich scents only if it feels natural to them. In other words, if applied correctly – a woman should smell your cologne a mile away.

  • When it is unique

It’s not difficult to smell good today. You can find out dozens of “best men’s colognes” lists developed by well-established fashion experts. As a result – the majority of guys are using the same perfumes from those lists. Well, you know – women have a good memory for such type of details and usually remember smells really well. So that, it is better to play safe by having your unique signature fragrance.

  • Long-lasting fragrances

This is a must. Long-lasting cologne will make her remember you a long time after you are gone. Sounds like just what you need, isn’t it?

Now you know how to create flawless perfume. Just take advantage of your signature fragrance.